Gifty is a fantastic, friendly gift exchange between web
pals. The purpose of this project is to unite the weblog community
by spreading cheer, love, and fun through the mail!
Why you of course! That's provided that you have a current,
maintained blog or website.
Membership in Gifty! is voluntary and operates on a Round
to Round basis (meaning you need to enroll each Round -- you
only participate when you want to or when time permits!).
Except for the gift and postage, Gifty! is free to join.
The quoted monetary amount to spend on each round is a suggestion,
not a requirement. It simply sets monetary parameters for
participants, and remember that ultimately it's the Gifty!
thought that counts.
Each Gifty! round will have a theme (suggestions are highly
encouraged!). Take a peek at past rounds to discover for yourself
what kind of goodness has been sent through the mail.
Your personal information sheet (i.e. mailing address, interests
etc) will be kept by me (Leslie). Your information will only
be given out to the blogger sending you goodies in the mail.
Each Gifty Round will be closed by the enrollment deadline
or when the maximum amount of participants has been reached
(whichever comes first).
Each round of Gifty! will have a deadline by which to send
off your goodies. Please, please, please keep this as a firm
deadline. You wouldn’t want a ticked off blog buddy,
would you?
This program is based upon the belief that people are genuine
and honest, therefore, by participating in this program you
are placing your trust and faith in fellow bloggers. We here at Gifty headquarters
will not be held responsible for any lost, damaged or unreceived
We are easily reached by e-mail. Please send all questions/bio information to: Leslie |